More Natsume

Sunday, December 12, 2021

Well how about that, it hasn’t been a few years. That’s because Natsume Yuujinchou got a move, sort of. It’s more so two OVAs put together and “Movie” slapped on it.

Unfortunately this release breaks sergey_krs’ streak, so I had to look elsewhere for sources. Which, there aren’t many out there. The only source that really stood out was LINK’s. Thanks to shamil11 for obtaining LINK’s release for me.

For my modifications, I fixed up signs and added in honorifics. Not a whole lot of editing this release. There’s barely any signs, and the dialog didn’t have many issues. Of course I changed the font for the dialog to match with all of my other previous releases.

I’ll say no more; go check it out.

Actually, I have more to say. It’s rather depressing that a lot of people are not making releases like these, myself included. I honestly have no idea if I’ll ever get to releasing some of my planned projects such as Kuroshitsuji and Udon no Kuni no Kiniro Kemari. Ultimately, the problem is motivation. I just don’t have the drive I once had working on these projects. I still watch as much anime as I did back then, but my motivation for anything really has been rather low. Plus I have other things I need to get done, so motivation gets rationed to higher priority things.

My ideal plans are to get Barakamon fixed up from CTR’s release and then work on Udon. After that I would like to get Kuroshitsuji done. If I’m being super optimisitic I would like to get Mushishi Zoku Shou fixed up, and v2 the old Natsume releases. After that, despite a few other projects on my trello I would probably throw the towel in. Though I will always make time and motivation for another natsume release.